Finals are quickly approaching like many of you, we too are stressing out a bit. Each semester around finals week Student Government and various other groups on campus host destress events meant to help distract from (if not alleviate) the stressors of finals week.
In the past we have given away free scantrons and blue books. Donuts and dogs were at one time popular too. But in the age of online schooling some of these are simply impossible.
Our Academics Team, led by Moses Hunsaker on the Senate side and Mackenzie Nelson on the Executive side, put together an amazing week-long destress fest. Starting on Wednesday May 13 until Wednesday May 20, we will be posting on our social media Monday/Wednesday/Friday important tips, tricks, and more to help you destress.
Be sure you are following us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook at @masonstudentgov to stay up-to-date on the latest destress events.
From all of us at Student Government: Good luck on your finals. We hope to see many of you in the fall. To our amazing soon-to-be graduates, we wish you the best too!