Student Government

FG Resources

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First Gen+ Center

The First-Gen+ Center serves as an accessible starting point for students (and their families) to understand and connect with relevant university resources. The team prioritizes data to better understand the student experience and proactively works toward improving the campus to be “first-gen ready” and “undocufriendly” throughout each university area. We work to enhance the collegiate experience through services, programs, policy awareness, and educating the campus community.

Reasons to go to this department: You are a First generation college student, in search of academic and life advising, community and resources needed to continue your education. 

Location: 4469 Aquia Creek Ln, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030, Student Union Building I, Suite 2400 – MSN 2F6

Contact  – Call: 703-993-2700, Fax: 703-993-4022

Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement(Formerly CCEE: Center for Culture, Equity, and Empowerment)

The Center for Culture, Equity, and Empowerment (CCEE) and the Leadership Education and Development Office (LEAD) are merging to form the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement (CLIE). During this transition, we remain committed to offering the following impactful programs and services: 

  • 1:1 Conversations Across Difference 
  • Active Leaders Program 
  • Alumni Leadership Speaker Series 
  • Bias Response
  • Black Male Success Initiative
  • Community Engagement Alternative Breaks
  • Community Engagement Alternative Breaks
  • Culturally affirming support and spaces (e.g. assistance with finding community, exploration of self and others, engagement in global citizenship)
  • Intercultural Advising and Leadership Development for departmental affiliated student groups
  • Mason Nation 9/11 Day of Service
  • President’s Leadership Cohort 
  • Right, Wrong, or Different
  • Student Leadership Certificate Series
  • Take5 Ethics Quiz & Resources
  • University Wide Cultural Celebrations
  • Workshop Requests 

Reasons to go to this department: Find community amongst a diverse group of students and engage in powerful and meaningful conversations and community engagement.

Location: 4469 Aquia Creek Ln, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030, MSN 2F6, Student Union Building I, Suite 2400

Contact – Email:, Call: 703-993-2700

LGBTQ+ Resource Center

Since 2002, the LGBTQ+ Resources Center has worked for and with the LGBTQ+ and ally communities at George Mason’s campuses to create an environment that is welcoming and conducive to learning.

Location: 4469 Aquia Creek Ln, Student Union Building I, Suite 2200, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030

Contact: Email: Call: 703-993-2702 Fax: 703-993-4022

Disabilities Center

George Mason University is committed to non-discrimination of students with disabilities and strives to ensure that they have equitable access to higher education, programs, activities, and services in order to participate fully in the university. As a continuing commitment to upholding the letter and spirit of the laws, such as the ADA and Section 504, that ensure equal treatment and equal access for people with disabilities, the university established and maintains Disability Services.

Location: Student Union Building I (SUB I) – Suite 2500

Contact: Phone: 703.993.2474 Fax: 703.993.4306 email:

Mason Advising

Mason has 10 schools with 9 schools that offer undergraduate programs: CHSS, COS, COVP, Schar, Carter School, COSE, Costello school of business, College of Education, College of Public Health. Students can find their academic advisor and the school they are affiliated with on the university’s advisor’s service website:

  1. Search Navigate GMU Log in 
  2. Click the Navigate tap and insert your student ID information 
  3. On the write click the get assistance tap and write all the information you need to schedule an appointment with your advisor. 
    1. If you don’t know your advisor specific, any advisor from your school/department should be able to help you. 


A website where you can track the requirements you need to take and the classes you have taken.

  1. Login to Patriot Web
  2. Select Student Services
  3. Select Student Profile
  4. Select Degree Evaluation


Mentorship Program

  1. First Gen Peer Mentorship program 
    1. Eligibility:
      1.  Are first-generation students at Mason
      2. Are in their first year at Mason (this includes incoming freshmen and transfer students) Applications are currently open and can be found at:
  2. Aguilas Mentorship Program: The Aguilas program was created to provide freshmen, sophomores and transfer students with a strong academic and professional network of upperclassmen. AMP assists students in transitioning successfully to George Mason and to the professional world by fostering leadership and academic excellence through various programs and services.
    1. Eligibility: Anyone is able to join. Join Via mason360
  3. Mariposas Mentoring Program: The purpose of Mariposas Mentoring Program (MMP) is to promote academic excellence and leadership on campus. Our goal is to provide young women at Mason with a strong foundation and network, to encourage opportunities for academic excellence, campus involvement and retention of underrepresented groups in higher education.
    1. Eligibility: Anyone can join. Join via
  4. Note: There are a variety of peer mentoring programs offered by GMU departments. Search “GMU Peer Mentoring Programs” and you will find the best program for you.



Scholarships are given by the department and can be found on their websites

Scholarships portal:

  • Through this portal, you will be able to find scholarships specific to your major, necessity and skills. 
  • We recommend that you look at scholarships in the months of February, May, and December.