University Updates

University Announces Big Changes for Spring 2021

Earlier this week President Gregory Washington and Provost Mark Ginsberg announced several major changes to Spring 2021. Please check your student emails for full details. Here is a summary of those changes:

  • Spring break has been eliminated from the academic calendar.
  • The spring semester will begin one week later on January 25, 2021.
  • Increasing in-person classes by at least 10 percent for the spring, including a significant increase in introductory level classes. 
  • Expanding occupancy of residence halls and on-campus dining options, while maintaining safety requirements. 
  • Expanding on-campus activities in support of students, consistent with public health guidelines. 
  • Carefully bringing more employees back to campus and setting a goal to have employees on campus up to 50 percent of the time. 
  • Increasing capacity and frequency of testing for students, faculty and staff to identify asymptomatic cases sooner.
  •  Continuing to work with our partners in the school systems on solutions.
  •  Requiring flu shots for all residential students by close of business on Dec. 11, and strongly encouraging flu shots for faculty, staff and commuter students.

Provost Ginsberg also reminded student in his email that Tuesday, November 3 is a university holiday. In addition, beginning Monday, November 30, all courses will be conducted virtually.

Several days before the announcement, Student Government released a poll on social media and through our monthly newsletter in which we asked students for their preference on the elimination of spring break. Over 1,000 students submitted a response and the overwhelming preference was the total elimination and delayed start. Student Government is thankful to the administration for including student voices in the decision making process.