The Student Senate serve as direct representatives for the student body and are elected each fall and spring. Student Senators are required to sit on two committees:
- Administrative and Financial Affairs, which deals with Student Governments budget, governing documents, and Senate appointments.
- Academics, which focuses on academic based initiatives such as Scholarship of the Week.
- Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, which focuses on initiatives related to multi-cultural RSOs, as well as University diversity and inclusion on campus.
- Government and Community Relations, which focuses on liaising with community members, local governmental organizations, as well as state and federal groups.
- Services, which focuses on initiatives related to dining, IT infrastructure, facilities, housing, parking & transportation sustainability, and more.
- University Life, which focuses on initiatives related to student well-being, student involvements, and the atmosphere on campus.
Spring elections are held in the months of March or April for Student Body President and Vice President as well as 30 Student Senators. Fall elections are only open for freshman and transfer students who campaign for 10 open Student Senator positions. If at any point our total number of Senators drops below 40 between Fall and Spring election cycles, there is an appointment process for new Student Senators.
Want to know more? Visit A Look Into SG to learn more about positions, elections, and members!